Six Tips To Make Employees Comfortable On Camera
Your employees are your best brand ambassadors. They’re out there day in, day out, representing your business. They’re the ones who interact with customers, clients and potential leads on a daily basis. Having them be the face of your organization adds authenticity and expertise to your videos that’s hard to replicate. The problem is – many people aren’t used to being on camera. Their nerves can get in the way when it comes to representing your business on video, and as a result, you lose the full benefit of sharing their perspective. This guide will help you coach your team so they can be comfortable on camera, and appear professional and confident in your next video.
Big Personalities
Seek out the big personalities at your company. They’re more likely to be comfortable on camera than your more introverted or shy coworkers. If you have someone who’s really outgoing and funny, put them in front of the camera. Their energy will rub off on everyone else and read well on screen. Leaning on your more charismatic employees could be the easiest casting decision you make.
Speak To Their Expertise
Ask them to speak about what they know very well. It sounds obvious, but it’s important: don’t ask someone speak on areas they aren’t comfortable with. New employees or recent department transfers may not be an ideal choice, but check-in and see what they can offer! And keep your questions relative to their position. If they spend 90% of their role working within the supply chain, it might not be wise to ask about IT or marketing questions. When someone has extensive experience in a specific area, they’ll likely be more confident talking about it in front of others.
Share Your Key Points
Feed your employees the key points you want to hit, but don’t over script. You don’t want to make people feel like they’re reading a teleprompter or being interrogated by the police. Offering a few lines to memorize and build off of could help guide them without restricting their genuine perspective. The more natural-sounding the better!
Rehearsals Could Be Helpful
Practice makes perfect – try a mock interview ahead of time. Production companies often have pre-interview and final interview questions – ask for a copy ahead of time to run through the topics with employees. This offers time and space to get all the butterflies out of their system and acclimate to speaking on camera. You’ll see how well they perform before the real thing happens and can offer specific tips to get them through it.
Plan Ahead Of Time
Avoid spontaneously suggesting the idea of representing their company on video. Give folks as much time as possible to wrap their heads around the project and prepare. They should know they’re participating in a film shoot at least a week beforehand (the more the better), and let know what they’ll be asked during interviews, and what’s expected of them, like the time commitment, what they should wear, and who is likely to see the final product.
Video Interviews Are Low – Stakes
Keep it light and don’t pile on the pressure onset! Try to ask open-ended questions such as “What do you like best about working here?” It’s not the end of the world if they mess up – production companies take into consideration the need to do multiple takes with novice interview subjects. If they don’t get it right on their first try don’t jump in to try and save the take – your employee probably already knows how they want to re-phrase their answer. Smile and let them work through the process.
In today’s world, video is the most effective form of communication, especially for businesses. But for the average person who doesn’t have dreams of being an influencer or movie star, it can be very uncomfortable speaking on camera. If you decide to utilize your star-talent in your next video project, remember these tips to help get the results you need without overwhelming your team. Being supportive and encouraging is the key to keeping the energy flowing for your employee’s testimonials. If you want to learn more about harnessing internal testimonials, reach out to the Blue Key team for a free, no pressure consultation.